Natsuya Uesugi Indie Anime Director & Voice Actor Bio

Natsuya Uesugi Director Filmography Bio


Natsuya Uesugi is a Hollywood Book Festival, International Impact Award winning writer and Feather Quill Best YA Manga Award winning manga artist with a BA degree in English, a minor in Japanese, an MBA in International Management, expertise in NIST/ISO-27001, Six Sigma, Incident Response, Ethical Hacking and certificate in Social Engineering, degree in Music Theory from Hoff Barthelson Music School and certificates in 2D animation/game design from Art Institute of Phoenix.


They have been recognized for articles on Net Neutrality, Privacy, LGBT Youth Homelessness, Cybersecurity and Cyberbullying, Ethical Hacking and Threat Mitigation. Natsuya is writing their dream of showcasing fictional minority characters in positions of power.


Of Mixed Multi-cultural heritage, they see life through the lens of challenge, marginalization, personal power and systemic marginalization. With ADHD on the Autism Spectrum, Intersexed and Transgender, as a QBIPoC minority voice often silenced, pushed aside and invisible in mainstream literature, film, and manga, Natsuya focuses on bringing stories of empowerment, truth, triumph and hope against insurmountable odds.


Using fiction, fantasy, and yaoi to spread positive messages, they write to encourage LGBT, non gender conforming, and neuro-divergent young people to live their truth and dare to be their genuine selves. Their stories, feature Queer People of Colour showcasing a multicultural viewpoint daring to pen stories, in a world of populist-clique-addicted capitalist market-share “sameness.” Instead choosing deep-inquisitive inclusivity and diversity creating stark in-your-face provocative fiction that fosters complex aesthetics and the difficult artistry of #OwnVoices realness, hard-edge beauty, and unadulterated truth.


They are Creator and Author/Illustrator of the award-winning cyberpunk techno-thriller novels, manga and anime web anime series “grydscaen.” Literary Titan calls grydscaen “…a compelling cyberpunk fantasy reminiscent of the old film noir movies…with a heavy tech and dark future elements of Total Recall or Blade Runner” and the US Review of Books calls the series, “The tales in this book bring to mind Philip K. Dick stories and Wachowski Brothers (excusez moi, Wachowski Sisters) movies. They are scientific and sordid. Their lure is both cerebral and sexual,”


Natsuya’s goal in their creative works is to visualize and bring alive and make visceral the intersection of creativity and technology calling upon their extensive knowledge in Information Technology to bridge the gap on the innovative and terrifying effects of technology on society through a multi-cultural lens to open a dialogue about society and technology.


Humbled, Natsuya Uesugi DuBois strives to live up their name, In the words of W.E.B. Du Bois’s unearthed speculative Sci-Fi short story “The Comet,” he writes “Warnings wired around the world. The Comet’s tail sweeps past us at noon. Deadly gasses expected. Close doors and windows. Seek the cellar.” In the same vein, Natsuya’s animated short web series “grydscaen: scout eve” shows similarity to W.E.B.’s view on Wall Street where Natsuya worked their first post-Uni IT job. grydscaen’s rich complex post-apocalyptic world is a shattered metropolitan sprawl consuming the landscape unchecked ravaged by nuclear war. The narrative highlights the fragility of the current social construct, how layered behavioral, linguistic, emotional and collaborative inter-relational and intersectional impacts of technology on society can affect, drive and corrupt the social order shaping the human condition for good and for far worse than can be imagined left unchecked. Current IT systems, networks, privacy and encryption legislation has not kept up with advances in technical geopolitical, environmental and high tech spheres putting humanity at risk on multiple levels.


In their view, society, we as humans, need to be ready and open for the dialogues to come in the epic imperative to ensure true equality, justice, truth, access and integrity. These principals remain the foundation of a society benefits all if we dare do the work and set aside bias embracing change, as W.E.B Du Bois explores in “The Comet” and Natsuya shows in grydscaen. Painful yet prescient. W.E.B. Du Bois espouses, “the fate of civilization depends on the ability to come together, not as black and white, but as… human beings.” The words resolute, predictive, Natsuya so in grydscaen voicing hacker Faid Callen who dared defy social norms, asks the hard questions. The Hacker Revolution is the grydscaen story. It is time for humanity to wake up. Equality will not wait as we teeter on the brink of a unprecedented existential danger never seen before. Tik Tok. It is time. We must start the dialogue, take action, dare to be bold, seek truth, in authentic righteous. There is much work to do.


#HackersUnite. #ThisIsWhoWeAre #WontBeSilenced #VoiceForTheVoiceless #RelentlessHumbleWarrior #WeRemain

PAX. Do you see the sky brighter?